10 Of The Most Hydrating Night Creams Ever
If you are new to the skincare clan, you might still be building your night time routine, and you might have wondered whether night creams are worth the hype or not. After all, it is an additional hole in your pocket! Well guess what, they definitely are worth it! Carefully formulated night creams with just the right ingredients help strengthen your skin's barrier and make it dewy and plumpy. Night creams are different from daytime moisturizers as they come in a thicker consistency and have more hydrating and moisturizing ingredients as compared to the brightening ingredients of day creams. Research points to the fact that if you are asleep by 10 pm on a good day, two important hormones that increase the skin cells’ turnover rate and help in the skin’s repair and regeneration start to rise within the first hour of sleeping (ie by 11 pm). These hormones are human growth hormone (HGH) and melatonin (also known as the sleep hormone), and their function is best supplemented by ingredi...